Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A day in the life

My current project - a pair of socks with cables at the top - for my sponsee J. - this is what I do in AA meetings in order to keep my big mouth shut.
After the 6:30 a.m. meeting, I decided to take a picture - it's my foot (obviously), my knitting, my coffee, my purse, and a box of kleenex - with the steps and traditions in the background.

Breakfast once I hit my office. I eat the same breakfast every single morning... plain, nonfat yogurt, with blueberries - and Uncle Sam Cereal.

Picked up a few items at lunch time to bring back to the office.

This is my "view" most of the day, except for the feet... I was hamming it up for the camera.
I LOVE the view from my office, putting my foot on the window sill was unnecessary, but it felt good anyway.
I got home and decided to head out into the garden. Pruning a rose bush - it's alive! it's alive!
Yes, I really have gloves and crocs that match - and they are both dirty - which means I really use them both for gardening.


Blogger JJ said...

OMG...I have to come by here more often. Great photos...awesome shoes. I love it!

3/14/2007 7:30 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I love it all MC.. You are sooo cute

3/15/2007 10:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

One Sober Alcohlic said...
I wasn't going to say this here, but I am just cranky enough this morning to say it... I think, for the first time in my experience in AA, that we are falling apart. We don't know what our message is, and if we do, we are too lazy to carry it.

We are sitting around like baby birds, with our mouths open, waiting for someone to come along and feed us, and we never worry about spreading our wings and doing some work to get some food for our fellows and our babies. We all want to be babies all the time. It doesn't work.

Mary Christine,
This is what the Sovereign LORD says:
Destruction is certain for the false prophets who are following their own imaginations and have seen nothing at all! - Ezekiel 13:3

Repent, or enter here!

4/07/2009 3:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


12 Step recovery programs are a slow slide into the jaws of Satan. I was involved with the evil “satanic cult” [AA] for over 30 years but was saved through the POWER of JESUS CHRIST.

He directed me to a counsellor who was into “real” recovery, not the mind destroying, soul destroying, cult, which is AA. I have met two Steppers recently & I imagine they are completely devoid of any emotion or insight.

I feel pain because both these men are decent human beings but AA has destroyed their "brain structure" & they have no idea how to relate apart from expounding AA propaganda.

I imagine Hell to be a continuous flow of AA meetings without any light at the end of the tunnel because one is never REDEEMED.

How is one REDEEMED, when one is handing one’s power over to AA. The 12 Steps were written out of Wilson’s head, he certainly didn’t get his guidance from the Bible.

I imagine he was an agent of SATAN & he & Smith’s “cult religion” has filled millions of Steppers with their ANTI-CHRIST propaganda.

Step Three of AA is "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him."

While many in the Oxford Group placed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, there was much leeway given.

Shoemaker, a leader of the Oxford Group, says, "The true meaning of faith is self-surrender to God."

He further explains:
Surrender to whatever you know about Him, or believe must be the truth about Him. Surrender to Him, if necessary, in total ignorance of Him.

Far more important that you touch Him than that you understand Him at first. Put yourself in His hands. Whatever He is, as William James said, He is more ideal than we are. Make the leap. Give yourself to Him.

Aside from capitalizing the "H," which Christians do to refer to the God of the Bible, "Him" could refer to any god of one’s own making - BEDPAN!

Can you see what is happening to you, Mary Christine? Ask JESUS to take control of your life, read the BIBLE & instead of 12 Step groups, go to Church. BURN your BIG BOOK or use it as TOILET PAPER.

Can you see the difference: With The 12 Steps, one is being CONTROLLED by SATAN, but with JOHN 3:16 one is offered ETERNAL SALVATION. The “ball is in your court," Mary?

4/07/2009 3:57 PM  

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